Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Longer Gloveless

With fingerless gloves all the rage right now, I really had to get some for myself. My problem was that I am way too picky for my own good. All of them were either too short, too weird, not the right color, or they had too many holes in them. That's when I conceded to just make myself a pair. I began my pattern search. I quickly found out, though, that the pair of gloves I wanted didn't exist yet. I was too picky to even find a pattern I liked, so I decided to just wing it. And oddly enough, these were born:

It's actually a pretty easy pattern for anyone who is ready to start knitting cable stitches or using double pointed needles. It's also very easy to modify to use any type of cable panel you want or any length you want. And if you're worried about that weird lump on my left wrist, that's just my watch. I swear. The pattern is under the cut.
US size 8 double pointed needles
One skein of worsted weight yarn that fits size 8 needles. (I used this really cheap brand, Caron Simply Soft, and it worked really well)
Cable Needle
Stitch Holders (I use safety pins)
Optional: Stitch markers

Cast on 50 stitches, spread the stitches between DPNs 14 on the first needle, 20 on the second, and 16 on the third. Connect in the round. If you want to distribute the stitches evenly, you can just slip markers after 14 and 20 stitches to separate the cable needles.
Knit in a rib stitch for 4 rounds
CABLE PANEL (needle with 20 stitches)
Row 1, 3, 5: p2, k16, p2
Row 2: p2, k4, slip next two stitches onto a cable needle and hold in the back of work, k2, knit the stitches from the cable needle (BC), slip the next two stitches onto a cable needle and hold in front of the work, k2, knit the stitches from the cable needle (FC)
Row 4: p2, k2, BC, k4, FC, k2, p2
Row 6: p2, BC, k8, FC, p2
Repeat this pattern for the duration of the work, until the last four rows.
ON RIB STITCH PANELS (needles with 14 and 16 stitches)
k2, p2 until work reaches 10 inches (or desired length to the bottom of your thumb)
Move all stitches on needle with 14 stitches onto stitch holders. Redistribute stitches.
Knit the cable panel. K1, m1, k1, p2, repeat until you reach the cable panel
Repeat last row for another 3 inches, or until work reaches the bottoms of your fingers.
Rib stitch 4 rows
Bind off
Slip 7 stitches onto two of your DPNs. Pick up and knit 6 more stitches from inside of the hand section.
Rib stitch 6 rows. Bind off

You can also modify the pattern to make a pair of mittens:

Just continue the pattern up to the tops of your fingers and decrease on either side of the cable for one row, knit another row normally, decrease on one more row, and knit the last row normally. Then, cut the yarn and pull the tail through all remaining stitches, and pull it closed. Do the same for the thumb.

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