Sunday, January 23, 2011

the case of the missing wooden earring

i bought these earrings last summer while on a road trip with a friend. they're made of redwood and have what must be a nonstandard sized post - because the backs are impossible to replace, everything is too big. needless to say, i lost one and haven't been able to wear them everyday. pretty heartbreaking.

to remedy the situation, i've made a few new pairs. they're not redwood, but i think i might prefer the fine grain douglas fir look. and they could always be stained...

here's the how-to:
find someone who knows how to operate a drill press without losing fingers. i asked my dad:

use a plug cutter for your desired size of earring.

i recommend drilling multiple potential earrings, since they can split pretty easily depending on the board you're cutting. next, use a saw to slice thin pieces out of of each cylinder:

then sand your earring with fine-grit sandpaper to make it smooth:

glue on an earring back (i bought mine 60/$2.99 at a craft store) with super glue:

varnish, stain, or paint your earring (i used clear nail polish):

you're done!

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